
Android 4.4 does not by default support TLS versions greater than 1.0. This can be an issue if you are developing a mobile app that needs to call an API over SSL that uses a more recent version of TLS.

03 March / / .Net Core / Azure
20 February / / SQL

Creating successful SQL indexes is an art. I was reminded of this recently when I was looking at the indexing of a set of reporting tables, with each table expected to accommodate 100 million record.

13 February / / Web
I have recently moved this blog from being hosted by WordPress over to the Hugo static site generator. As part of this move my blog URLs changed. I didn’t want to break any exiting links pointing to my blog so I wanted to setup some HTTP 300 permanent redirects. The site is hosted on an Azure app service, so I can use the web.config to redirect one URL to another.
28 January / / .Net Core

How do you unit test something that has a dependency on Entity Framework? I ran into a situation recently when the code I wanted to test was loading a set of rules from a database that dictated the what functionality a web site had.